• 23Mar


    Preparing Your Facility for Season Change.

    In many parts of the U.S., temperatures are rising. The summer season brings longer days, lighter clothes and, if you’re not careful, damage to your building and its critical systems.

    Follow the tips below and you can get your facility ready for the hotter months without much stress.

    Change the filters on your HVAC system

    Filters help protect your system from harmful debris and regulate how hard it works. When seasons change, you may need to run your HVAC at a higher level, so be sure your filters are in good condition and replace them with new ones if necessary.

    Check your ducts for leaks

    If there are leaks at any point in your ductwork, it can cost you money and force you to run your system at a higher level. In the summer months when you are going to need more cool air spread throughout your space, it’s critical to ensure that there are no leaks.

    Most methods of testing for ducts involve measuring the amount of airflow going through each segment of the duct, but if a leak is particularly bad and your ducts are within reach you may be able to feel it with your hand. Depending on the nature of your HVAC system, it might be necessary to hire a professional to check the condition of your ducts.

    Check and calibrate your thermostats

    Your thermostats and sensors help you determine the temperature of your space. If they aren’t running properly, it will affect the way you operate your entire HVAC system. Make sure to follow your manufacturer’s guidelines if you need to calibrate your thermostat.

    Consider the volume of your operation

    Some commercial businesses have seasonal variations in the way they work. If you need to increase your facility’s output when it gets warmer, you’ll also need to adjust your building systems correspondingly. For example – if your staff members work longer hours, it means you’ll need to spend more time running lights, cooling systems, and any machinery they use.

    Take steps to reduce your building’s energy footprint

    Summer months often see warehouses using more energy on things like HVAC and refrigeration. If you know your systems will need to run higher as the weather gets warmer, it’s a good idea to do what you can to conserve energy. Scheduling deliveries at the same time, regulating the use of windows and doors, and improving control over your HVAC system are all examples of ways you might be able to reduce your energy consumption.

    The Bottom Line

    Another great way to cut down on cooling costs as the weather becomes warmer is using an HVLS fan. Because they are so efficient at moving air, HVLS fans can lower the effective temperature of a room by as much as 8 degrees. Pick the right HVLS fan and you’ll increase comfort and lower the load on your facility’s HVAC system this summer.


    Fan - BMW


    Source: www.macroairfans.com